Thursday, December 01, 2005

On Becoming A Lawyer...

I am in my first year of law school. In fact, exams are this next week. This poem will be entirely boring to those who aren't in law school...for which I apologize in advance.

What if we are all just lost,
misguided, and searching for something,
anything to fill up time.

We are all here, eyes wide,
sitting on the edge of our seats
trying to remember the
standards of care,
types of possession,
and all the other law bull that
we are now required to know
but don't give a shit about.

Our only female teacher
has lost her mind
and trys only to please everyone
with stupid jokes
until her paranoia takes over
and she starts repeating herself
and telling us to pay her more attention.

From time to time,
I look down this long dark tunnel
of what is my life now...
to wonder if I made the right decision
or if I'll become another unnecessary shark
in all too shallow waters. Or perhaps I'll
start telling bad jokes
about contracts and torts.
Oh wait, I already do that.

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